Hints and tips - Windows 10
When installing or upgrading to Windows 10, there are a few gotchas as follows...
Backup all the data you value
First, backup everything you value. Windows 10 should upgrade safely from Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 but there are no guarantees.
Copy your documents and photos etc to a USB memory stick (eg 32GB from an eBay seller).
Contacts and emails collected with POP3 also need to be backed up, which can be awkward. Emails stored in the cloud with IMAP (eg Gmail, Hotmail) are there whenever you need them.
Keep your identity private
There is a choice! For privacy, do not tell Windows 10 your email address or anything about you, during installation - or later.
See the link above. Hunt for and click 'Sign in with a local account' or 'Limited experience' and do the same or similar when creating new users.
Insist on your privacy
After installation, turn off all the privacy-busting options. Repeat this process after major Microsoft updates.
Click Start / Settings / Privacy and untick most stuff. Especially note the setting under Feedback & Diagnostics: set Diagnostic & Usage Data to 'Basic'.
Avoid apps if you can
Click Start (or press the Windows key) to switch between apps and the desktop. The desktop is more familiar.
Avoid downloading apps from the Store.
Normal software is generally available free to do what you want, for example VLC instead of Media Player, GIMP for PhotoShop.
For these and other examples see AlternativeTo Windows software.
Free Windows updates for life
Windows 10 works like Windows 7 but slightly better, and Microsoft has promised free updates 'for the supported lifetime of the device.'
Note that Microsoft by default decides when to update your PC, and Microsoft alone decides when your PC's life is over!
See The next generation of Windows - Windows 10.
April 2022